When school is out – 博物馆营地 are in!
探索科学, 技术, 在辛辛那提博物馆中心的有趣和有教育意义的博物馆营地,通过创造性的活动和游戏来了解历史和艺术. 不管学校放假一天还是一周,都会有这样的夏令营.
所有的营地都包括下午的小吃和令人兴奋的教育活动, including science experiments, 工艺品, 集团项目, 游戏和其他!
2023 Summer 博物馆营地
Week 1: May 30 to June 2 (4-Day Camp)
SOLD OUT: Little Artists, Grade K
Let your creativity shine in an art-filled week. Explore different media, such as paint, clay, drawing and more! 当你通过制作来表达自己的时候,你的艺术技能就会增长!
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Engineers, Grades 1-2
建造大师不需要指导,只需要想象! Take part in building challenges, 学习工程基础知识,让你的创造力在一周的纯乐高乐趣中驰骋! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
STEM, 3-4年级
Investigate the 4 branches of STEM – science, 技术, 工程, and math – through chemical reactions, robot coding and building challenges. 看看STEM的所有分支是如何在未来科学家充满乐趣的一周中相互交织的!
Week 2: June 5 to June 9
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Master Builders, Grade K
建造大师不需要指导,只需要想象! Take part in building challenges, 学习工程基础知识,让你的创造力在一周的纯乐高乐趣中驰骋! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
SOLD OUT: Junior Amusement Park 科学, Grades 1-2
Amusement parks are full of science, art and fun! 用一周的时间建造过山车,设计中途游戏,创造碰碰车. 了解科学和游乐园是如何交织在一起的,以及如何创造自己的乐趣!
SOLD OUT: Harry Potter, Grades 3-4
你们是巫师,露营者们,你们已经被霍格沃茨魔法学校录取了! 拿起你的飞天扫帚,飞往辛辛那提博物馆中心,享受为期一周的魔药之旅, fantastic beasts and duels. Costumes are encouraged, but not required.
Week 3: June 12 to June 16
SOLD OUT: Dino Discovery, Grade K
Dig up some fun as we learn all about dinosaurs! Explore the incredible specimens in our 恐龙大厅 并了解不同地区和时期的恐龙. Discover the history of the giants that roamed before us!
SOLD OUT: Messy 科学, Grades 1-2
花一周的时间,在我们深入研究一些混乱的科学时,弄脏你的手. 通过非常规的方式探索科学方法,将科学与创造力相结合!
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Movie Magic, Grades 3-4
Lights, camera, action! 加入我们的工作人员和演员,因为我们学习背后的科学特效和创建定格动画电影与乐高小人和砖块. 学习制作一部电影需要什么,从故事板到剧本创作再到拍摄! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
SOLD OUT: Premium* Miami Engineering and Sports, Grades 5-6
现代体育运动利用工程学的力量来达到人类表现的新水平. 探索帮助人们跑得更快、游得更快的工程概念, 努力击球,克服身体上的挑战,成就伟大. 和来自迈阿密大学工程与计算机学院的嘉宾一起来看看科学和体育是如何交织在一起的!
Week 4: June 20 to June 23 (4-Day Camp)
Awesome Animals, Grade K
Investigate animals and their amazing adaptations. 通过与活体动物的接触和CMC的新游戏,探索这些适应性的第一手资料 约翰一. and Judy Ruthven Get Into Nature Gallery! 了解动物的身体和行为如何帮助它们在我们的地区生活.
SOLD OUT: Paleontology, Grades 1-2
有没有想过作为科学家团队的一员挖掘史前化石是什么感觉? Unearth an exciting journey in our 恐龙大厅 as we discover the animals that once roamed Earth. 然后潜入曾经流过我们城市的奥陶纪海洋,探索古生物学家的不同角色!
SOLD OUT: Amusement Park 科学, Grades 3-4
Amusement parks are full of science, art and fun! 用一周的时间建造过山车,设计中途游戏,创造碰碰车. 了解科学和游乐园是如何交织在一起的,创造你自己的乐趣!
Week 5: June 26 to June 30
SOLD OUT: Messy 科学, Grade K
花一周的时间,在我们深入研究一些混乱的科学时,弄脏你的手! 拿出你内心的化学家,和我们一起做一些黏腻的实验.SOLD OUT: Little Artists, Grades 1-2
Let your creativity shine in an art-filled week. Explore different media such as paint, clay, drawing and more! Expand your imagination into the next level of creativity.SOLD OUT: Premium* Kitchen 科学, Grades 3-4
你有没有想过宇航员是如何在太空中吃午餐的,或者想从草莓中提取DNA? 探索食物背后的科学,从第一口到最后一口! *Recipes may contain dairy, wheat, and eggs. 当决定报名参加这个夏令营时,请随时与过敏问题联系.Week 6: July 10 to July 14
SOLD OUT: Little Artists, Grade K
Let your creativity shine in an art-filled week. Explore different media, such as paint, clay, drawing and more! 当你通过制作来表达自己的时候,你的艺术技能就会增长!
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Engineers, Grades 1-2
建造大师不需要指导,只需要想象! Take part in building challenges, 学习工程基础知识,让你的创造力在一周的纯乐高乐趣中驰骋! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
Investigate the 4 branches of STEM – science, 技术, 工程, and math – through chemical reactions, robot coding and building challenges. 看看STEM的所有分支是如何在未来科学家充满乐趣的一周中相互交织的!
Week 7: July 17 to July 21
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Master Builders, Grade K
建造大师不需要指导,只需要想象! Take part in building challenges, 学习工程基础知识,让你的创造力在一周的纯乐高乐趣中驰骋! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
SOLD OUT: Junior Amusement Park 科学, Grades 1-2
Amusement parks are full of science, art and fun! 用一周的时间建造过山车,设计中途游戏,创造碰碰车. 了解科学和游乐园是如何交织在一起的,以及如何创造自己的乐趣!
SOLD OUT: Harry Potter, Grades 3-4
你们是巫师,露营者们,你们已经被霍格沃茨魔法学校录取了! 拿起你的飞天扫帚,飞往辛辛那提博物馆中心,享受为期一周的魔药之旅, fantastic beasts and duels. Costumes are encouraged, but not required.
Week 8: July 24 to July 28
SOLD OUT: Dino Discovery, Grade K
Dig up some fun as we learn all about dinosaurs! Explore the incredible specimens in our 恐龙大厅 并了解不同地区和时期的恐龙. Discover the history of the giants that roamed before us!
SOLD OUT: Messy 科学, Grades 1-2
花一周的时间,在我们深入研究一些混乱的科学时,弄脏你的手. 通过非常规的方式探索科学方法,将科学与创造力相结合!
SOLD OUT: Premium* LEGO Movie Magic, Grades 3-4
Lights, camera, action! 加入我们的工作人员和演员,因为我们学习背后的科学特效和创建定格动画电影与乐高小人和砖块. 学习制作一部电影需要什么,从故事板到剧本创作再到拍摄! Explore our featured exhibit Bricktionary: the ultimate LEGO® A–Z every day of the camp week!
Week 9: July 31 to August 4
Awesome Animals, Grade K
Investigate animals and their amazing adaptations. 通过与活体动物的接触和CMC的新游戏,探索这些适应性的第一手资料 约翰一. and Judy Ruthven Get Into Nature Gallery! 了解动物的身体和行为如何帮助它们在我们的地区生活.SOLD OUT: Paleontology, Grades 1-2
有没有想过作为科学家团队的一员挖掘史前化石是什么感觉? Unearth an exciting journey in our 恐龙大厅 as we discover the animals that once roamed Earth. 然后潜入曾经流过我们城市的奥陶纪海洋,探索古生物学家的不同角色!SOLD OUT: Amusement Park 科学, Grades 3-4
Amusement parks are full of science, art and fun! 用一周的时间建造过山车,设计中途游戏,创造碰碰车. 了解科学和游乐园是如何交织在一起的,创造你自己的乐趣!Week 10: August 7 to August 11
Messy 科学, Grade K
花一周的时间,在我们深入研究一些混乱的科学时,弄脏你的手! 拿出你内心的化学家,和我们一起做一些黏腻的实验.
Little Artists, Grades 1-2
Let your creativity shine in an art-filled week. Explore different media such as paint, clay, drawing and more! Expand your imagination into the next level of creativity.
SOLD OUT: Premium* Junior Chefs, Grades 3-4
来和我们一起做饭吧! Hone your skills as we focus on new techniques each day. 片, sauté and sear your way through tasty recipes, culminating in a culinary cookout at the end of the week!
*Recipes may contain dairy, wheat, and eggs. 当决定报名参加这个夏令营时,请随时与过敏问题联系.
Week 6: July 10 to July 14 at Cincinnati Observatory
SOLD OUT: Spectacular Solar System, Grades 1-2
在我们的太阳系中有八颗宏伟的行星(第九颗发生了什么?)? Could we discover other planets? Explore our solar system and learn what makes Earth special. 与辛辛那提天文台的专家和他们壮观的望远镜一起享受一周的时光.SOLD OUT: Space Explorers, Grades 3-4
Travel to outer space without leaving Earth! 在辛辛那提天文台了解让我们看到星系的望远镜和现代科学家探索太空的方式. 探索历史建筑,并通过令人难以置信的望远镜瞥见太空!Week 7: July 17 to July 21 at Cincinnati Observatory
SOLD OUT: Living in Space, Grades 1-2
Want to be an astronaut and explore space? Learn what it takes to design rockets, 在辛辛那提天文台专家的帮助下,穿越我们的大气层,研究恒星!SOLD OUT: Mission to Mars, Grades 3-4
What do humans need to survive? Could we live on other planets? 你们的任务,营员们,如果你们选择接受,就是一趟火星之旅! 探索辛辛那提天文台,并会见专业人士,以帮助回答您所有的空间问题.Week 8: July 24 to July 28 at Blue Ash Recreation Center
Awesome Animals, Grade K
Investigate animals and their amazing adaptations. 通过与活体动物的接触和CMC的新游戏,探索这些适应性的第一手资料 约翰一. and Judy Ruthven Get Into Nature Gallery! 了解动物的身体和行为如何帮助它们在我们的地区生活.SOLD OUT: Little Artists, Grades 1-2
Let your creativity shine in an art-filled week. Explore different media such as paint, clay, drawing and more! Expand your imagination into the next level of creativity.Week 9: July 31 to August 4 at Cincinnati Observatory
SOLD OUT: Spectacular Solar System, Grades 1-2
在我们的太阳系中有八颗宏伟的行星(第九颗发生了什么?)? Could we discover other planets? Explore our solar system and learn what makes Earth special. 与辛辛那提天文台的专家和他们壮观的望远镜一起享受一周的时光.SOLD OUT: Space Explorers, Grades 3-4
Travel to outer space without leaving Earth! 在辛辛那提天文台了解让我们看到星系的望远镜和现代科学家探索太空的方式. 探索历史建筑,并通过令人难以置信的望远镜瞥见太空!取消政策
在夏令营第一天之前15天或以上取消,需要支付50美元的手续费. 如果您在夏令营第一天前7到14天通知我们,将会有100美元的费用. 25% of your camp registration will be refunded if you inform us fewer than 7 days in advance; No refund is given after the first day of camp.
To cancel, please call (513) 287-7001. 报名时使用的信用卡将会收到退款. Please have the card in hand when calling to cancel.
“My daughter had a great time. 第一天结束后,我们送她回家时,她径直跑到辅导员和其他营员那里. It was obvious that she was comfortable and felt safe there."
在日历上做记号! Camp registration opens soon!
成员: 2月1日上午8:30.m.
非成员国: February 15 at 8:30 a.m.
请注意,博物馆夏令营将只在2023年在线购买. 每个夏令营的销售将在夏令营开始日期前的周五中午结束.
Make sure you are logged in to get the special Member price.
请确保您的会员在8月份是活跃的,并在购买营地之前更新,以使营地购买过程更容易! 只有在夏令营开始前成为有效会员才能享受会员折扣.
如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请致电(513)287-7001或发送电子邮件 camps@portalnatura.com.
Summer Camps are sold by the week.
5天阵营: 成员: $285; Non-members: $310
为期4天的四方阵营: 成员: $235; Non-members: $260
5-Day Premium Camps*: 成员: $335; Non-members: $360
4-Day Premium Camps*: 成员: $285; Non-members: $310
Camps will run from 9 a.m. 到下午4点.m.
签到: Camper drop off is from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m.
退房: Camper pick up is from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Observatory
Cincinnati, OH 45208
Blue Ash Recreation Center
蓝灰,OH 45242
Permission Forms (Required)
To take part in 博物馆营地, you will need to fill out a permission form.