Virtual Field Trips & Experiences
Virtual Field Trips
Ready to explore our exhibits from school or home? 我们的网上赌搏网站十大排行是通过视频漫游深入参观我们的特色和永久展品, expert interviews and immersive content, all aligned with OH and KY content standards.
这些预先记录的经历可以在你的时间表上网上赌搏网站十大排行,并为学生设计,与他们的老师在指导格式或自己探索. 来辛辛那提博物馆中心实地考察? 使用我们的网上赌搏网站十大排行作为网上赌搏网站十大排行前或网上赌搏网站十大排行后的经验,以加深学习和联系.
Available tours include:
Maya: Daily Life & New Discoveries
Immerse yourself in the genius of the Maya. 他们的文明是由天文学家、数学家、发明家和神组成的. 探索玛雅人今天是如何生活的——他们的发明继续塑造着我们的日常生活,以及 数百万人 在语言和血统上继承了玛雅传统.
Maya I covers an introduction to the Maya people; daily life and agriculture; the rise and fall of the Maya people; breakthrough discoveries from the University of Cincinnati; and how the Maya culture is still with us today.
This experience is designed for grades 5 through 7, 同时也包含了适合低年级学生(3年级和4年级)的内容。, high school students and adults.
Maya: Royalty, Art & Cosmic Balance
Immerse yourself in the genius of the Maya. 他们的文明是由天文学家、数学家、发明家和神组成的. 探索玛雅人今天是如何生活的——他们的发明继续塑造着我们的日常生活,以及 数百万人 在语言和血统上继承了玛雅传统.
Maya II covers an introduction to the Maya people; cosmic balance – gods/goddesses and divine kingship; art; writing; timekeeping; and how the Maya culture is still with us today.
This experience is designed for grades 5 through 7, 同时也包含了适合低年级学生(3年级和4年级)的内容。, high school students and adults.
Dinosaur Hall
Meet Galeamopus and Torvosaurus, both of which are new to science. 了解我们对侏罗纪环境的了解,请参考 和 与恐龙一起生活的动植物. 体验恐龙如何适应其生存环境. 通过 仔细观察,找到自己的发现 ,并与 科学家 和他们用来 研究化石的工具见面.
这个体验是为四年级到八年级的学生设计的, 同时也包含了适合低年级学生(二年级和三年级)的内容。, high school students and adults.
The Cave
Venture into our famous Cave 展览回顾过去,讲述石灰岩洞穴形成的故事. 从瀑布和钟乳石到化石和穴居石,发现所有的特征 Cave’s twists and turns. 与洞穴居民见面,探索地质,看看环境是如何随时间变化的.
This experience is designed for grades 2 through 7, 同时也包含了适合八年级和高中学生的内容, and adults.
Made in Cincinnati
来看看这座城市的发明家和劳动者,看看他们开发的产品和他们改变的市场. 从波科波利斯到西方女王再到明天的现代科技中心, discover how innovation is, and always has been, in Cincinnati's DNA.
Public Landing
The Public Landing 重建了一个以创新和决心为基础的城市,拥有历史悠久的店面, 动态的音景,以及一窥19世纪50年代的蒸汽船——西部女王号的内部. 了解辛辛那提是一个移民和移民的城市, 这座城市的特色来自于将其称为家的多元化人口.
Shaping Our City: First Settlement to 1920
冒险穿越时间,探索从18世纪到1920年的辛辛那提地区. From canoes and flatboats, to steamboats and trains, to inclines and streetcars, 了解辛辛那提的交通故事是如何改变的,并且仍在被书写. Explore historic vehicles and objects, maps, photographs, 媒体和互动元素,看看辛辛那提的城市设计是如何将城市和人民联系在一起的.
Shaping Our City: 1920 to Today
冒险穿越时间探索辛辛那提地区从1920年到现在. 从火车和汽车到超级高铁和拼车系统, 辛辛那提的交通故事仍在书写中. Explore historic vehicles and objects, maps, photographs, 媒体和互动元素,看看辛辛那提的城市设计是如何将城市和人民联系在一起的, 并展望未来,看看下一个交通领域的突破可能是什么.
Neil Armstrong Space Exploration Gallery, presented by the Harold C. Schott Foundation
Investigate lunar cycles, explore Neil Armstrong’s journey to the moon, 想象一下今天的阿尔忒弥斯任务将会完成什么, 并探索太空景观如何帮助我们应对气候变化.
Coming soon:
Ice Age Gallery
当你发现这个地区在23年前的样子和感觉时,更新世的景象和声音会把你带回到过去,000 years ago. 新的科学研究阐明了人类对环境和气候变化的影响, illustrating how ecosystems, 生物多样性和景观随着时间的推移而变化——为什么我们当前的变化有一些意想不到的和危险的先例.
网上赌搏网站十大排行和大屠杀的体验 & Humanity Center, visit
Science Interactives Gallery, sponsored by P&G
Ever wondered how a tornado forms, how you can lift your weight, or what happens when push comes to pull? Explore simple machines, potential and kinetic energy, 以及能量如何在我们的世界中“看不见”地移动. Physical science has never been so fun!
这个体验是为4到7年级的学生设计的, 同时也包含了适合低年级学生(二年级和三年级)和高中生的引人入胜的内容.
Cincinnati in Motion
Cincinnati in Motion, 这是辛辛那提历史博物馆最受欢迎的画廊之一, has returned in a refreshed and renewed space. The main display is now open, featuring the Ohio River and downtown Cincinnati, with additional displays opening in 2020. 经过翻新的画廊将为辛辛那提历史博物馆提供一个欢迎和令人兴奋的介绍, 清理和修复了历史悠久的s轨距火车模型, new lighting, 新的声音和更多的机会与历史和更新内容互动.Access Virtual Field Trips Now
Virtual field trips are free to access.
Access Virtual Field Trips here:
How to Navigate a Virtual Field Trip
Virtual Field Trips Experience Guides
Virtual Field Trip Learning Standards
- Maya: The Exhibition Tour I Learning Standards
- Maya: The Exhibition Tour II Learning Standards
- Dinosaur Hall Learning Standards
- The Cave Learning Standards
- Made in Cincinnati Learning Standards
- Public Landing Learning Standards
- Shaping Our City: First Settlement to 1920 Learning Standards
- Shaping Our City: 1920 to Today Learning Standards
- Neil Armstrong Space Exploration Gallery Learning Standards
Educator's Guide
找到你需要知道的关于教育项目的一切, field trip planning, 专业发展和其他教育机会,在联合客运大楼和我们的教育工作者指南提供的社区.
DOWNLOAD NOWThank You to Our Supporters
CMC的网上赌搏网站十大排行在一定程度上是由于 Institute of Museum and Library Services grant CAGML-248047-OMLS-20. Additional support was provided by the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation and the Robert C. & Adele R. Schiff Family Foundation.